Pervasive Entropy

There is a molting

There is a shedding

There is a cleansing

Cutting and breaking the brush

Scrubbing the inner corners

To separate from the harmful infestation by removing their food.

There is a need for survival of every part of you.

Sometimes tough choices

Parse out the question

To reveal the deeper meaning

Of letting go

It’s your own.

Wisdom in the plunge

Into unknown depths

Release metaphysical weight

This is Nature holding space

For your puzzled self to be held

To be held and honored loved and accompanied

Restorative Replacements Require Reasonable Relational Resources

Unwinding, exhaling and relaxing

Pervasive Entropy

Unlearning unraveling of uncertain understanding

In response there is a burst

Sending vibrations of holding, honor, love and accompaniment

By reclaiming the words of our souls that have been swiped by the systems.

Swiped by religious systems, education systems, industrial systems, prison systems, and Swiped the most by the financial systems. And now we insert our plastic into the machines literally or digitally every day!

Getting really comfortable with money… really really comfortable…

Collapse is real. Just when the game is so interesting!

Collapse is function diverted to survival and regaining control.

Collapse reinforces discontinuation of wastefulness

Collateral for Collapse of

Community Commitments

Connects Concerns of

Correlated Corruptions

Unveiled Unwittingly United

Conspiracies of Congress to Converge on Confidence man

Fashion facsimile fascism fandom

Forfeit fortunes forever

Forget about it!

It’s over!

Back to self. Fall Into Love.

Let go go go gadget news, let go.

Let go and renew.